Pastel Horror Yum Yum Show

Oidemase ikoku no okyakujinyo teatsukujyubiyoku omotenashi shimasho

Bukimito genuniwa KYUUTO sugiru kinoiiyatsurasa

Maadouka akushikarazu

Fortune cookies answer is Oh! unhappy (so good)

Time has come clock register shout 'Zilch'

To make trouble right now in 'oven range'(too bad)

I can't believe that 0kcal wow sugarless! ? NON SENCE DA ZE!

MEINDEISSHUniwa jinmanno SUITSU wo otomoniorakushimizaire

PASUTERUKARA na BOKUra no kagekinayuubisa

Pastel Horror is Yum Yum!  SUTOROBERI kushitogeshide

Pastel Horror is Yum Yum!  shitanamezuriperori harasorekasu

Don't rush it!  nekaseruhodoamaa

IyawaremononoBOKUrawa osairisougigaosuki

Taikutsunanteshinjyae omaimonoshikatabetakunaino soredake

Fortune cookies answer is,,, Oh! unhappy (so good)

Time has come clock register shout 'Zilch'

To make trouble right now in 'oven range'(too bad)

I can't believe that 0kcal wow sugarless! ? NON SENCE DA ZE!

KURAIMAKKUSUwa yokyouno SUTORIsono atonigoranyoubase

Aidaiiidarakeno BOKUra noyouchinayubiza

Pastel Horror is Yum Yum!  MAKARONdemo kushitogeshide

Pastel Horror is Yum Yum!  shitanamezuriperori

I will take you for awesome show in now.


I will take you for awesome show in now.


I will take you for awesome show in now.

Are you feeling lousy?

Well, then take a rest Just like this!