Biróg's Oath

Watch, watch, the dark book is yearning

Look now, Fomorians are crying

Days filled with peril are waiting

I'll bury the book with my druid

Watch, watch, your people are fleeing

Go now, your race is defeated

Days filled with peril are waiting

Or stay here and love me, brave druid

Once your allegiance is given

Your life-force forever shall feed me

But while you refuse my seduction

Your servant till death I must be

Watch, watch, the demons are reigning

Look now, Fomorians are feasting

Days filled with hate are waiting

I'll help you take vengeance, brave druid

We'll capture their foul evil essence

With dark spells we'll put them to rest

Beyond the waves their souls will be sent

A black book of power we'll craft

Watch, watch, the demons are waning

Look now, Fomorians are fading

Days filled with bliss are waiting

Without hate you'll succumb, my brave druid

Once your allegiance is given

Your life-force forever shall feed me

No longer do you refuse my seduction

My servant till death you must be

Sleep now, your strength is depleting

My oath is no longer binding

Die, die, your life-force is failing

I'll mourn your demise, my brave druid

Watch, watch, the dark book is yearning

Look now, Fomorians are crying

Days filled with peril are waiting

I'll bury the book with my druid

Watch, watch, the dark book is yearning

Look now, Fomorians are crying

Days filled with peril are waiting

Stay here and love me, brave druid