Defiant Dreams

As ages went by

The dreaming head survived

Enclosed in a black shrine

Oracle for the mighty and high

Caught in a strange inner battle

A place beyond time

Its struggle within

Unapparent from without

Once all the power in the world was mine

All that's left is moribund flesh

And the power to keep my dreams alive

Plant ideas in someone's mind

My mind is trembling

My thoughts absorbed by the ancient stones

My spirit is willing

My dreams defiant past flesh and bone

All the choices in the world are mine

All that's left is drying flesh

And the power to make my mark in time

Plant ideas in someone's mind

My mind a whirl of visions

My thoughts absorbed by the ancient stones

My spirit is soaring

My dreams defiant past flesh and bone

As ages went by

The dreaming head survived

Enclosed in a black shrine

Oracle for the mighty and high

Heir to an ancient mystery

From a place beyond time

Its knowledge within

Unapparent from without

Once I went on a quest divine

When all i had was a legion of men

I sought and found eternal life

I conquered the world and made it mine

My mind is wide awake

My thoughts absorbed by the ancient stones

My spirit is exulting

My dreams defiant past flesh and bone

My mind a well of power

My thoughts absorbed by the ancient stones

My spirit undying

My dreams defiant past flesh and bone

But knowledge has to grow in time

All that's left is lost days past

The things I've done and left undone

A dreaming head under a dawn sky

As ages went by

The dreaming head survived

Enclosed in a black shrine

Oracle for the mighty and high

Cursed with immortality

In a place beyond time

Its dreams within

Unapparent from without