Dowth 2059

The fairy mound of darkness

The hidden shrine unbound

In the name of science

The book of black was found

Beneath the stone of seven suns

Unveiling that which lies beyond

The reach of eyes, the reach of ears,

What we wish to be and become

The book of Dowth is calling

It beckons me to look inside

The book of Dowth is yearning

To sow its seed into my mind

A secret spring of unknown tales

Of heroes, queens and ancient lore

Of knowledge passed on

From stars to stones

The deed is done

Blackened pages

Wither before my gaze

A black fog rises

Evoking memories from distant times

I see history unfold

Dark shadows reach out and scar my mind

The book of Dowth is calling

It beckons me to look inside

The book of Dowth is yearning

To sow its seed into my mind

My soul spirals into a darkness

Deeper and blacker

Than any I have ever known

Beyond my inner limit

Beyond the secrets of the stones

The deed is done

Blackened pages

Wither before my gaze

A black fog rises

Evoking memories from distant times

I see history unfold

Dark shadows reach out and scar my mind

The book of Dowth is calling

It beckons me to look inside

The book of Dowth is yearning

To sow its seed into my mind

I see the serpent's return to Erin

Cenn cruach, the lord of the mound

I see the distant future

Ravens screaming over blood

Excavation, desecration,

Lebor Dubhadh unbound

Dowth 2059