Fury Fomoraigh

When the truth dies

The end draws near

And all will fall

When the truth dies

The race of men

Has come and gone

A twisted race of ancient evil,

Wicked and depraved

A race of demons

From beneath the waves

No longer lies in wait

Enslaving, Conquering, destroying,

Laying waste to the lands

Now that the book is opened

The last Nemedian's spell is broken

The last Nemedian druid's spell

That erased them from earth's memory well

The last Nemedian druid's spell

That bound them in his book of black

Our time has come!

The race of man has come and gone,

Has run its course

The sun's declining into dusk

Nocturnal chants proclaim remorse

Enslaving, Conquering, destroying,

Fury Fomoraigh

When the truth dies

The end draws near

And all will fall

When the truth dies

The race of men

Has come and gone

Just look into my burning eyes

And see what they have seen

In the past and in the future

Behold this dark horrific dream

Now that the book is opened

The last Nemedian's spell is broken

The last Nemedian druid's spell

That bound them in his book of black

A twisted race of ancient evil,

Wicked and depraved

A race of demons from beneath the waves

No longer lies in wait

The myriad futures will unfold

A nightmare of fomorian hordes

When the truth dies

The end draws near

And all will fall

When the truth dies

The race of men

Has come and gone

And the truth dies

The end is here

Fury Fomoraigh!