The Dark Mound

As storm-clouds gather

Above the glades

A thunder deafens my howl

Of anguish and dismay

Remaining here

In this sinister tomb

I recall the evil deeds

That led me to this place

Bresal Bó-Díbad was my name

As druid I was praised and famed

From all four corners of Erin

People came to seek my aid

For in those days of gloom and death,

A murrain fell upon the kine

And killed all cattle in the land

So into the ancient mound I went

To pray and seek advice from elder gods

And beg them for their help

But from out of the dark

Thousands of voices answered my command

Reaping knowledge from my tortured brain

The demon horde devised a wicked plan

To weave a spell so the sun would never set

They abused my sister's magical skills

And forged a day that would not end

In honour of the elder gods

Upon the ancient mound

A massive tower would be built

On sacred ground

For in those days of gloom and death,

A murrain fell upon the kine

And killed all cattle in the land

Bresal Bó-Díbad was my name

As druid I was feared, obeyed

I tricked the people to vow an oath

To work for me for but one day

As storm-clouds gather

Above the glades

A thunder deafens my howl

Of anguish and dismay

Remaining here

In this sinister tomb

I recall the evil deeds

That led me to this place

Overtaken by lust and fury

A terrible deed was done that broke the spell

The men of Erin went on their way

When the day had gone and night suddenly fell

Now storm-clouds gather

Above the glades


Will ever be this dark mound's name