Lyrics Sunset Rubdown

Sunset Rubdown

Nightingale - December Song

So let me hammer this point home

I see us all as lonely fires

That have burned alive as long as we remember

But like all fireworks and all sunsets

We all burn in different ways

You are a fast explosion and I am the embers

And though your flames are quick and mean

They will not last the year

But expire like a sudden falling star

That only nightingales had seen

Before migrating to southern jungles

And in this way you will come find me in December

He said he'd like to move to Nashville to master the guitar

Where he would live a single day the way I live a single year

Covered his body in mud, went hunting for the sun

Then went swimming in the lake of holy water

Oh, you are too hot for me, I am too slow for you

You are a fast explosion and I'm the embers

You need the one who slowly burns, and burns to stay alive

And in this way you will come find me in December

So let me hammer this point home

I see us all as lonely fires

That have burned alive as long as we remember

But like all sacrificial virgins

We all burn in different ways

You are a fast explosion and I'm the embers

And though your flames are quicker than me

They will not last the year

But expire like a sudden shooting star

That only nightingales had seen

Before transforming into bluebirds

And in this way you will come find me in December