Lyrics Super Furry Animals

Super Furry Animals


Hello and greetings my friend. We are all interested in the future for that is

where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives, whether we want to or

not. And remember my friend, these future events will affect you. The future is

in your hands.



I predict, that fashion for both men and women will be exactly alike, in the new

unisex trend.


I predict, that the end of severity and threat will soon be at hand. Almost

puritanical in style, with no beads, no jangles, no bracelets, men and women

will wear exactly the same make up.


I predict, that the entertainment personalities of the future, will be

entertainment personalities and nothing else. When someone pays admission to

hear a singer or a comedian, they will not tolerate protest messages. They will

demand and receive one hundred per-cent entertainment, as this is the only thing