Lyrics Super Furry Animals

Super Furry Animals

Gwreiddiau Dwfn/Mawrth Oer Ar y Blaned Neifion

(Gwreiddiau Dwfn/Mawrth Oer Ar Y Blaned Neifion = Deep Roots/A Cold Mars On


Dyma ein hawr

This is our time

Ni ddaw unhryw arall heibo'r drws

No more opportunities will pass our door

A dyma ein llong

And this is our ship

Un llyw a dau rwhyf in tywys ar ein taith

One rudder and two oars to guide us on our way

Dal dy ddwr mae'r ff?n canu

Hold your waters, the phone is ringing

Adlewyrchu gofod fagddu

Reflecting a dark vacuum

Yma yw lle dewisom ni

This is the location that we chose

I gael plannu gwreiddiau dwfn

To plant the deepest root

Ac yma yw'r lle ble mae'r gwaed yn drwm

And this is the location with the heaviest blood

Wrthi'n bygwth ein boddi

Which threatens to drown us

Dyma'n safle

Here's our position

Ni ddaw mwy o gyd ddigwyddiadau pryferth

No more serendipity will come our way

A dyma fy rhif

And this is my number

Ymlith yr holl ystadegau di galon

Amongst all the other numbers and heartless statistics

Dal dy ddwr mae'r ff?n canu

Hold your waters, the phone is ringing

Adlewyrchu gofod fagddu

Reflecting a dark vacuum

Yma yw lle dewisom ni

This is the location that we chose

I gael plannu gwreiddiau dwfn

To plant the deepest root

Ac yma yw'r lle ble mae'r gwaed yn drwm

And this is the location with the heaviest blood

Wrthi'n bygwth ein boddi