Lyrics Superjoint Ritual

Superjoint Ritual

Waiting for the Turning Point

It's inside, I felt it then, I feel it now, I feel it now

The turning point, waiting for it, a time bomb, I'm waiting for

The turning point, to lead my life from endless rage, to rip out

The page, expect the worst, you get the best, I'll wait out the rest

The turning point, waiting, endless is waiting

It will be just for me, not her or him or them with hands out

Breaking free of the family of the lawyers and the vampire

Half wits waiting for the turning point, waiting for the turning point

I'm waiting, I'm fucking waiting

Laid out, planned out, on my own it works out, frightful

Desperate, unpredictably turns out, desperate, frightful

Laid out, planned out, on my own it works out, waiting for

The turning point to drive into me