Lyrics Susan Tedeschi

Susan Tedeschi


People, People

Don't you know you have a voice?

People, People

Don't you know you have a choice?

TV screens and corrupt magazines

Man on the radio

Says he knows what you need

Planting seeds that just mislead

Can't be taken back

You watch them grow and then you'll know

How much you've been lead

Oh how can you say there's nothing wrong

When it's gone on too long?

People, People

What more can I say?

Let's get ourselves together

Too much at stake to look away

Don't buy him don't bump for her

She's likely to be bought

Don't buy her don't bump for him

Power's his only thought

Confusion and disillusion

Proud of your mind

Until a big decision is too hard to find

How can you say there's nothing wrong?

When it's going on too long

People, People

They said you'd free your mind

People, People

Don't you think it's about time?

How can you say there's nothing wrong?

When its gone on too long

People, People

Don't you know you have a voice?

People, People

Don't you know you have a choice

People, People

People, people, people

People, People

People, people