Lyrics Susannah McCorkle

Susannah McCorkle

The People That You Never Get To Love

You're browsing in a second hand book store

And you see him in non-fiction V-why

He looks up from world war two

And then you catch him, catch him, catch him in his eye

So you quickly turn away a wishful stare

And take a sudden interest in your shoes

If you only had the courage but you don't

And he turns and leaves and you both lose

And you think about the people that you never get to love

It's not as if you even had the chance

So many worth a second life but rarely do you get a second glance

Until fate cuts in on your dance

And you'll see him on a train that you just missed

At a bus stop where your bus will never stop

Or in a passing Buick when you've been pulled over by a traffic cop

Or you'll share an elevator, just you two

And rise in solemn silence to your floor

Like the fool you are, you get off

And he leaves your life behind a closing door

And you think about the people that you never get to love

That poem you intended to begin

The saddest that anyone has ever said are Lord what might have been?

But no one ever said you get to win

Still you'll never going to miss what you don't know

And you don't know who you'll meet at half past three

It could be a total stranger who looks just a little bit like me

One of the people that you never get to love

One of the people that you never get to love

The people that you never get to love