
My time is near I will rule again

So what is your defence this time

You will try to defeat me once again

But your precious words will ricochet off of me

You`re going blind as I lurk around you

Your mighty being will fall down hard

Take a closer look at your built up horde

You wil lsee they are following me

When my time again comes

Order and darkness shall reign

Without the smoke of your holy pipe

We will again create clarity as a whole

Damn you for thinking your so supreme

I will end your vaingloryness

Step down from your throne it`s no longer yours

Give me your crown it`s rightfully mine

Take with you your poor possetions

For what I care burn them alive

And again I have to listen to your prayers

Take your supremacy anywhere but here

I nee some time to rebuild what you have destroyed

So do your wheaping elsewhere, not here

I will never forgive you my brother

For letting me rot in your pits of doom

This time it`s final my friend

Our bloodline ends now right here