The Far Heavens

All alone and wasted

In the city are we

Just so much without a spirit

Nor associated inclinations

Alone in the city

So desperately

All alone, stuck here

And so remote

But these, they are your heavens

Your far and reaching, splendid havens

A thousand skies above the lowly

Such as I

These, they are your heavens

And, hourly

They're weighing down upon me

They may be yours, alone for now

But how I wish they could be mine

For all your talk

Your dreams of your favourite

Astral places

I, myself, it seems am ever rooted

In these floors

Their languid processions

Locked in ignorance

That disenfranchised indifference

But these, they are your heavens

Your far and reaching, splendid havens

A thousand skies above the lowly

Such as I

These, they are your heavens

And, hourly

They're weighing down upon me

They may be yours, alone for now

But how I wish they could be mine

Oh, if I might only rouse myself

Just this once

To join you

To even steal a place upon your flight

But these, they are your heavens

Your far and reaching, splendid havens

A thousand skies above the lowly

Such as I

These, they are your heavens

And, hourly

They're weighing down upon me

They may be yours, alone for now

But how I wish they'd soon be mine