Lyrics Swallow the Sun

Swallow the Sun

The Justice of Suffering

I curse the love for you

And the pale souls you have tasted

The sings of filthy passion

Will soon turn to cries of pain

When I claim what is mine

Through the justice of suffering

When the paying of her sins come closer

The night will end in tears

And the moment you dirt her skin with your fingers

You will be sentenced the same

Every second with her I count

And for every second you will suffer too

No light will save them now

When the words of hope have all been spoken

And I wash the blood from my hands

And let them lie silent and cold on the flowers

For my anger is greater

Than the hand that once swept your cheek

And my anger is greater

Than the human I was

I will claim that is mine

Through the justice of suffering

No light will save them now

When the words of hope have all been spoken

And I wash the blood from my hands

And let them lie silent and cold on the flowers

Is this poison in your womb

Worth of the burning flesh

In this pyre of ghost lovers

But every second with her I count

And for every second you will suffer too

The night will end...

It will end in tears soon