Sun Of The Night

Shadowscapes form a web across the sky and steal the light that runs the

engine of my heart

Deceived by clouds but I know it will soon return to watch my every move

like an eye in the sky


Obsessed I am indeed

I will gain no strength this moonless night

heavens heart or just a forgotten stone

all life lost or is it yet to come

the stars will be alone in the firmament tonight

shadows grow stronger across the sky

the sun prepares for battle

the night is soon to die

vicious beams will soon obscure the presence of the sun of the night

my soul despise the dawning and the light that it will bring

doomed to be nocturnal

a creature of the night

another dawn dilutes the dark the void where I can live

the rays of light burn my skin and ravage my desire

I close my eyes and I await the vengeance soon to come

when the dusk will bring the unlight and heal me once again

I have to return to my tower before the twilight will drain me of live

tomorrow I need to be caressed by the moonlit sky or my soul will be

carried away by the light

just like the sun of the night

the moon is mine

oh how I long to be one with the sun of the night

oh how I long to unite with the sun of mine