Lyrics Sweatshop Union

Sweatshop Union

Dirty Work

Well I'd like to see the likes of me relax with a wife and seed

Time to write and read

No fight to get a bite to eat

It might just be a pipe dream but fuck the alternative

Turning the lights green on the destruction of the Earth

It's just obvious to me that the way that we do it's wrong

And I'm not just gonna be the type that prays and moves along

When these days we lose are gone, and we need every moment

The maze is too long to proceed that slow and

When the pain stops I'll crawl up out of bed

But these raindrops are falling on my head

My brain stopped recalling what I read

Back in school 'cause I train not to swallow what I'm fed

So for the time being I'm seeing things a little differently

Bringing out the kid in me as I sing and shout a symphony

And think about the shit that we confuse and take for granted

'Cause we're losing sacred land as we abuse and rape this planet

[Hook 2X]

Get our hands dirty working for the things we need

Scritch scratch to eat and the air that I breathe

Leave the rest alone and rest time at home

A congested mess of those obsessed with what they own

As a free-thinking man

I'm proud of who I am

We're deep in sinking sand

And not allowed to give a damn

But with this vivid plan I'll visit lands

I'm sick of name brands

Made cynics out of fans

To limit what we understand

But in this village of the damned

It seems a long ways away

Another day gone astray

One more song that gets no play

The old say it's the youth, but the youth say it's the old

The truth is rarely told, unaware we're out of control

Tryin' to hold ourselves together, but all of it tempts me

The heart and the soul and the wallet running empty

From MTV to the pages of the source

We pay homage to the hordes that line the shelves of record stores

What's it all for?

I often ask myself

Should I get off my ass and be like everybody else?

Maybe seek some help

Or live in rhythm of health

For an instant found wealth

But no resistance is felt

[Hook 2X]

Well I see barstool prophets and philosopher kings

I hear manic street preachers speak of God and our sins

We gotta begin

To see that God is within

The u-n-i-verse of Earth as we constantly spin

Do you wish to be free, or be habitually sleeping?

Are we histories sheep, or will we live to see freedom?

Cause we been lied to all of our lives

And I don't think I can take anymore

F*ck TV, high school, and all of your lies

I can see right through your face to the core

So don't even try to tell me what to say

I'll make you scream and cry when you take my love away

Day in and day through

I may win and may lose

But if all else fails I'll just sing and play blues

Hey you, what's your name? Make your hand into a fist

We haven't changed the world but we can if you resist

[Hook 2X]