Lyrics Sweet Noise

Sweet Noise


Fear grows Just like a tree it grows The roots tear apart the soul Suck the nerves Suck the core You' re eyes I fear You' re words I fear Dehumanized Destructiv Poisonous

I hear the rhythm The rhythm of rage, death and panic Millions of hearts Bit the rhythm It is nervous Unsteady

Bloodthirst Here come the wheels of the hate machine Man distroyes what man built Monuments are falling down Cruel gods Greedy gods False gods Here comes a man Civilized

Nature's scream Mothers' moan Old man's tears A child is weeping It's we who are our worst, deadly enemies We had the holocaust The Vietnam We had the world wars WE killed in the name of God We burnt the land We burried alive We made men slaves We killed their pride WE are a rascist's song The black rain The starve of the starving The tortured man's pain We are the lier's tongue The brothers war The broken hope We are civilized