Lyrics Swingin' Utters

Swingin' Utters

Looking for Something to Follow

i try to bless myself with boredom

but i still feel cursed and burdened

every day is trying on me

why, i can't say, why i can't just be

there's always something missing still

i can't find my place or will

i keep on keepin' on the wheel

like a lab-rat, sick and ill

there's no tomorrow

just endless sorrow

give me an answer

that i can borrow

and give back to you

some other day

oh, if you would just show me the way

i count the minutes, hours and days, dear

the weeks out of months and into years, dear

i've got so much left to give

but for what do i really have to live

effortless days that while away

while i sit drinking in the shade

all i want is to appreciate

to get myself to that perfect place