Lyrics Swollen Members

Swollen Members

Jacques Cousteau

I hope you're not trying to tell me and my man about rap music, I really hope you're not

Cause let's get something straight right now

(Madchild, cowards don't really want a part of me

I roll with a venomous squad of all veterans

You'd rather kiss a rattlesnake than to step to me)

Yeah, I'm the little fuckin' hulk, I don't fear giants

Leave em catatonic in a closet like in Weird Science

He doesn't even have his license, Lisa

I spit the nicest ether, eatin' all these rappers like a slice of pizza

I spit typhoons, conjure up hurricanes

Little Monster wreckage warnin', get yourself insurance claims

I blow the roof off of group homes with two poems

Killin' all of you clones

Metal teeth, I chew bones

Clip you like a coupon

Grip you like a talon, hear Mad scream, supreme too

Listening to Balance and Bad Dreams

From broke to making mad cream

I'm fuckin' dope again, wide open from a bad scene

Used to be a nightmare on diamond street

But now I'm right there, a white terror, a rhyming beast

I got a cracked tooth, lookin' like I'm wack proof Sportin' a beard and a tooth like I'm Jack Cousteau

(Prevail, remember me?

Crimson wordplay, see with the pen I'm explainin'

Rock a show hard as a army of viking warriors)

Rhodium, deuterium

Man, trinium isotopes

Hydrogen chambers on explode mode, let em blow

Adamantium, vibranium - Marvel at my universe

Scapel competition brains so you can see how stupid works

Don't matter if it's grey, splatter blood across the hallway

Could do this all day and I will so lie still

Don't make me call Vinne Paz, Slaine and Ill Bill

Real masters of the dark arts with kill devil hilts

I ride upon precipice, break till black mornings

A black plague front page, it's a rap rage warning

Headliners, flatliners, co-signers, endorsers

I water board on the board, apply my enforcers

Rap brass, knuckle tough

Talk grass, knuckle up

Commander and the chief, buckle up before I fuck em up

Don't care about whereabouts

Who let em out into open space

Way too much radiation, glacial caps in Everglades

(Swollen members, heard of us?

One mass, the unit of murderers

Two MC's, one producer

Vancouver cats swingin' a battleaxe)

The hardest part of my artistry is finding people as smart as me

Or finding equal spitting shit wholeheartedly as hard as me

Can't help it now, this shit is just a part of me

Coursing through my veins and pumping in my heart and arteries

Mad raps retardedly, when Mad raps it's startling

With time I just get sharper while it's wearing down my cartilage

An oddity, I'll make you loose some bodily fluids

And once the thought of me rude, and once a lot of you knew it

Now rollin' blunts, a bunch of nunces, feel like dunces, I'm the truest

They're just a bunch of cunts that want some comfort sayin' they knew it

Knewin' they fuckin' blew it

I'm blown up what we're doin'

Cause you're in if we went through it

Now Europe is fuckin' toured

Obscurity, I've endured, secured a future, creative

It's music related, a partial art form that's narrated

Incarcerated minds grind thought to a halt

So I participate in rhyme crime to break out the vault

I'm real bad for your health like a shaker of salt

It's make or break it in this industry so be an adult

Since my sinsiter administration no one should vote

My public demonstration, demolitions, crews in revolt