Lyrics Swollen Members

Swollen Members

Too Hot

Just too hot to touch

Just too hot to touch I got what you want

Although I plan to go out with a bang not a whimper

I still gotta watch my temper

Watch over both shoulders cause of what I'm into

Sometimes I get emotional cause of what I've been through

It goes..

Anger, anger, thats one of my hangups

You dont wanna rock and roll kid, your head gets banged up

Feel tension, blood starts pumpin

My friends always win in the fights, I still jump in

And I dont have a drinking problem

I drink, talk shit, fall down no problem

When I drink its a problem, cause I cause problems

Cold hearted, man I'm so robotic

Not like you forgot but I'm slightly psychotic

I'm here to terrorize the world

And fuck the minds up of you boys and girls

Complete sweep like a cluster bomb

Cold as death, hold your breath till the dust is gone

From the lost angel city to the gotham skyline

We're still public access but watch us go primetime

I'm Cannonball Crush, not Cain or Abel

I reign like Charlamain and just as fatal

Even worse, I'm not vain or narcissistic

Preach like an arch bishop from the darkest district

In the killing field planting seeds of dissent

Fast fascinating demons flashing dreams of contempt

Come on, self contained I'm my own metropolis

Go against the grain for the throne of the populace

Kingdoms I want em, hand em over, relinquish

Or I'll douse them in flames that you'll never extinguish

My right hand writes in sequential order

Eventually I'll make you lifespan potentially shorter

I'm Fuckin with em....

Did so much dirt cant rinse the filth

Wealthy but concerned with my mental health

Hope to got to heaven but I've been through hell

Think I'm going crazy man please dont tell

Cops hate me they want to throw me in jail

Hate to think if they got me alone in a cell

I'm pretty sure it wouldnt go so well

Cause aint nobody coming when you yell for help

We're the fast and elite

What else, the young and the vigorous

You should probably keep your distance

Cause my hunger is hideous

Tell affiliates and friends theres no need to defend

When the warriors descend is where the story will end

Were ageless and timeless, your faceless and spineless

So let us lead the way while they follow in blindness

[Chorus Cuts]