Meridian A.D.

We believe to be eternal until we face the point of no return

All state of grace is transient

All shall die and turn to ashes and dust

Desacralized, desensitized

We chasing the light just wishing to live a little more

It's like a hole inside our chest

A clear cut bleeding, always open wide

To reach the apex of life is to walk in a vale of tears

Heavens still remain out of sight wherever we watch

To reach the apex of life is to walk in a vale of tears

We shine to finally dissolve in oblivion and be absolved through death

We've looked for strength through joy

Deprivation is all what we get

We've kept on trying to reach the stars

And deny mortality

We rise to better fall, condemned to rust and crumble for centuries

To behold the leftovers of our dreams now turn to smoking ruins

We ride the whirlwind of doom

A gigantic storm

Of cataclysmic and catastrophic proportions

It's like a hole inside our chest

A clear cut bleeding, always open wide

To reach the apex of life is to walk in a vale of tears

Heavens still remain out of sight wherever we watch

To reach the apex of life is to walk in a vale of tears

We shine to finally dissolve in oblivion and be absolved through death