Fear the World

Submit to the truth and try to

Break free from this hell that surrounds me

Daylight engulfed and consumed

By a vile black swarm

I've seen all that I know disappear

Fleeting away on the wind

Ripped from my grasp with no words passed

You gave me no warning

Gave us no warning

Stay within your comfort

Confined to the shadows

For you will always fear what's out there

Fear the world until you're gone

Pulling you down blindfolded and bound

Dragged to the depths of the core

Forced into eternal majesty

If only you knew what darkness ascends

Coming to take you away

The years spent in denial would not mean a thing

Given no warning

Given no warning

For you will always fear what's out there

Fear the world until you're gone

You will come to realize you were never truly alive

If you deny your existence

Life will pull you back in

The faster you fall the deeper you sink

The the quicker you'll leave this all behind

Your cross to bear is a burden you won't realize

So see this as a blessing in disguise

Let the blackened smoke fill your lungs

Breath it in

One day this will bury me as I buried you

Fear the world

Fear this world