
Rise of the one -

The dark iconoclast

Forging a cult of fear,

With legions unsurpassed

Shouting the word -

With vicious tongues of fire

Born of illusion and deceit

Fiendish soul of a liar.

The chaos unseen rips

The midnight sky

Infernal machines arise

Flesh and steel collide


We are strong

We will stand and fight

We are strong

We will stand and fight

With rage we ride into the flames

Striking with spears of hate,

At the heart where evil reigns

Holding the line from the charge

Of armored steeds

Gather around this deadly ground,

Come watch the war god bleed.

The chaos unseen rips

The midnight sky

Infernal machines arise

Flesh and steel collide

We are strong

We will stand and fight

We are strong

We will stand and fight

Victory or death, only time will tell

Synthetic resurrection,

From the heart of hell

Slowly they fall, as we watch

The daylight die

We spit and curse this hallowed earth

With our final battle cry,

The chaos unseen rips

The midnight sky

Infernal machines arise -

Flesh and steel collide

We are strong

We will stand and fight

We are strong

We will stand and fight