The Edge of Forever

Pictures of what used to be,

Lie in pieces on the floor

Finds himself in an empty room,

Her voice calls out to him

He opens the door, but there's no one there

No one there

Draped in a silken glow of moonlight through the mist I see,

A lucid cathedral appears to me.

Pray for a glimpse of touch of sunlight chain our shadow down,

Night settles in, my love,

You never make a sound.

You never make... a sound

Love is flowing from my fingertips

Never in control of this domain.

All around me, my essence lay

Watch the vultures circle through the pouring rain.

Close your eyes and try to remember

Discordant lullabies of days gone by.

Close your eyes on the edge of forever

A chance to dream, fast asleep your nightmare ends.

As the walls converge around me.

Castles crumbling down,

Everything is not as it seems to be.

Once more,

I feel I must return

No more

Will my soul burn.

Dawn breaks the ground, my love,

And with it you fade away...

Close your eyes and try to remember

Discordant lullabies of days gone by.

Close your eyes on the edge of forever

A chance to dream, fast asleep your nightmare ends.

Close your eyes and try to remember

Discordant lullabies of days gone by.

Close your eyes on the edge of forever

A chance to dream, fast asleep your nightmare ends.

My love never dies...