
Alone I traveled to the mountains

Led by a star fading west

When I came upon an ancient ruin of a church

and it was there I stopped to rest

Then the black and gloomy night that chased my footsteps

crashed down on me like a wave

Whispering through the trees and eerie breeze

carried a voice beckoning me to be her slave

In a whisper she said...

Burn forever

Leave never from my arms

Embrace the night

From the black and twisting shadows rose a woman

beauty alluring to the eye

Oh her devilish grin, her moonlit skin

and long dark hair flowing down around her thighs

As she approached I felt the evil growing stronger

I waltz with the wicked within

Frozen in my place, she kissed my face

and in a storm of passion bathed me in sin

In the madness...she said...

Burn forever

Leave never from my arms

Embrace the night

Then she weaved a mist - and cast me into the shadows

"Come with me, love eternally, forever mine"

"Set me free - in death we'll dance eternally forever and ever..."

As so the light, cast down from the heavens,

washed over me like wave

I awoke, it seems, from some crazy dream

only to find I was standing at her grave

In my nightmare...she said

Burn forever

Leave never from my arms

Embrace the night

Burn forever

Leave never from my arms

Don't ever leave me- never leave me

Burn forever

Leave never from my arms

Embrace the night