Order of the Seven Poles

Strange were the days that passed

Unreal and unexplained I knew nought of their secret rites or of their hidden ways

The servants child, the beaten prone the misfit and the slave

They all believe, it serves them right

Just watch him rise again

I've seen it all

So believe me when I say

Even valiant princes fall

Oh! but rise now, rise again

Each day they seek me out observe me in disguise

They do not know about the one they think they saw him die

Only I, yes only I remember what is true I heard your name and then I knew

The seventh pole would summon you

I've seen it all So believe me when I say

Even valiant princes fall

Oh! but rise now, rise again

I call you now -

Come rise, rise again I call you now -

Come rise in me I call you now -

Rise and I shall be Grand Master of the Order

The Order of the Seven Poles