Salvage My Soul

Black as the night

all is dark all I can see

Indefinable shapes

around me

I don't know where I am

I've lost all sense of time

I have forgotten

what I was, what I am.

I close my eyes

and I dream away

Faraway from darkness

A dream of light,

of serenity

But I know

It is a pipedream

All is lost

A quest for light

To eradicate

the dark within me

To shelter me

and to take away my pain

I don't know what is right

So hard to understand

When white is black

and black is white

I close my eyes

and I dream away

Faraway from darkness

A dream of light,

of serenity

But I know

It is a pipedream

A thousand dreams

within a dream

In which all

I fall to my knees and pray

Salvage my soul

You wept

you bleed out in vain

Mankind has failed.