Lyrics Taken by Trees

Taken by Trees

My Boys

There isn't much that I feel I need

A solid soul, and the blood I bleed

But with a little cat and by my spouse

I only want a proper house

I don't care for fancy things

Or take part in the freshest way

But to provide for my mine who ask

I will work hard, on my father's grave

On my father's grave

I don't mean to seem like I care about material things

Like a social status

I just want four walls and adobe slabs for my boys

There isn't much that I feel I need

A solid soul, and the blood I bleed

But with a little cat and by my spouse

I only want a proper house

I don't care for fancy things

Or to take part in the freshest way

But to provide for my mine who ask

I will work hard, on my father's grave

On my father's grave

Father's grave