Lyrics Talib Kweli

Talib Kweli

The Wormhole

"Niggas is tellin' me about this Illuminati shit while I'm in jail - that's another way to keep your self-esteem low, that's another way to keep you unconfident. And I'm putting the 'K' cause I'm killing that Illuminati shit. Trust me. These motherfuckers wanted to kill you, why the fuck they gonna tell Farrakhan, why they gonna tell the Nation of Islam, why they gonna tell this nigga in jail about the plan? How did he know? How'd it leak to him? Who told him? Who told him, the Pope? Who? Cause they like, 'the Pope' and 'the money', aw c'mon man, get the fuck outta here."

Oh you niggas wanna get deep?

Niggas wanna kick knowledge?

Y'all niggas ain't deep man, y'all niggas lost me

Soon as you steady tryna tell me which rappers in the fuckin Illuminati

Then I'm like, show me the proof right?

Niggas start talking about the anti-Christ and aliens and shit

Save the ghost stories for the kids nigga, I'm a grown ass man

Let's go, let's go

You can lead a man to a drink

But you can't make him take a sip

You can lead a man to a link

But that don't mean he gonn' click

What's this? Y'all ain't really on no deep shit

I peeped it, scared of a motherfuckin' secret

Society and only bein' with people you agree with

You scared of a chalice scared of death

Only thing worse is your silence

Illuminatis enlightened, the OWL see in the darkness

Masonic roots still survive from the book of dearly departed

Egyptologist and scholars

Symbologists at the college

Will all acknowledge that ancient Kemet is where it started

Way farther back than the knights

Or the Rite of the Scottish

You need to wake up, no new Bugatti

My enemy tryna stop me but I don't stand a chance

If I can't identify 'em properly

Illuminati as we know it started in Bavaria

Years before it landed on the shores of America

The mission: abolishment of government and religion

They were enemys of the state

And they was hated by the Christians

They was Poets, they was Scholars

Early Illuminati was sorta like the students

In Victor Hugo's Les Miserables

The modern day politicians would diss 'em

Turning them into martyrs

This in turn inspired the founding fathers

The vast majority Masons who were the subject of the Illuminati

Found this fascination the order was insipiration

And ain't no disrespect to the masons

But you try to keep secrets then it leads to speculation

Only those in league with Satan need to hide infomation

That's how you catch a ride to your final destination

Where the proof, show 'em proof put it all on the table

When the facts are intact ain't no need for a fable

Good versus evil is primitive

Real life's more complex, what's your context?

They put the symbols on the dollar bill, the monument, the obelisk

They honouring Columbia the children of the colonists

You can trace it back to the root trace it back again

It's really just another case of stealin' from the African

Racism and vanity justify the sale of flesh

You property like cattle or produce but are you still as fresh?

Population control is real, you know the deal

But still perpetuate the cycle of violence

We known to hold the steel

No, I don't need no fuckin' chorus

Use to read so many books

Thought I was a hoarder down at Borders

Like Behold the Pale Horse or The New World Order

But you really don't know what you reading

If you really don't know the author

A lot of Satan worship is just government propaganda

Unsubstantiated lies with no proof a bunch of slander

Of course there are forces against you and that's a fact

Don't get caught in the distraction, it's bigger than any rapper

The truly oppressed ain't got the luxury of inventing a monster

The devil incarnate is much realer than the devil in concert

What they doing so sinister

Worse than any blood sacrifice you can imagine

Iller than any cinema

The Federal Reserve, the World Bank and the IMF

Helping the poor get poorer you in debt until your dying breath

Food, vaccines, humanitarian aid

They want control of the region, they really tryna get paid

Obey thy consumer make a product out of man

Where's the conspiracy? It's always been the plan

Y'all niggas scared of one world currency

But still paying your taxes

It ain't the Illuminati that worry me

Lack of spiritual energy, suicidal tendencies

Unwitting soldiers in the armies of the enemy

I'm leaking information so follow me down the wormhole

Same reason that they called Bradley Manning a turncoat

(Man, we supposed to be brothas!)

Oh what you tryna get smart?

Nigga you tryna kick some knowledge?

Nigga fuck that give me your muthafuckin jewelry nigga

Take that shit off

Oh you got a pager too huh?

You a balla huh? You a balla huh?

Gimme that muthafuckin' shit

Better me than the muthafuckin cops nigga