Lyrics Tammy Cochran

Tammy Cochran

Life Happened

From the time she was 13 Julie Thompson had a dream

That someday she would see her name in lights

After every high school play the grownups all would say

That Julie's future sure is looking bright

Well I saw her selling videos at a store in Eastland Mall

I said why aren't you in Hollywood taking casting calls

Life happened

Me and Bobby Chapman fell in love

Daddy passed away and the babies came and drama school was just too much

Now there's Little League and mouths to feed

And I direct the kindergarten Christmas pageant

Life happened

Curtis had an old Chevelle the cops knew that car well

He never lost a race on Windy Hollow Rd.

By the time he turned 18 he was the Georgia dirt track king

Proudly sponsored by the local Texaco

Well I bumped into him at Murphy's Bar and I ordered us a round

I said why aren't you in Rockingham chasing Gordon down

He killed his drink and tore the corners off his napkin and said. . .

Life happened

I was driving home from Athens late one night

Trucker fell asleep and swapped paint with me they said I rolled that van at

least 5 times

Now I thank my lucky stars and I sell used cars

And I teach driver's education at St. Catherine's

Yeah life happened

I saw the rest of my old friends at our reunion at the Holiday Inn

It seemed like it was only yesterday

Standing in the gym in our caps and gown full of wanderlust and glory bound

We set out to chase our dreams on wings of passion

But somewhere along the way we got distracted

Life happened

Our clothes went out of fashion with our songs

We started families and bough SUV's became step dads and soccer moms

I finally realized we turned out alright

And we spend the night just catching up and dancing

And life happened