Deposit Pirates

Sailing the alley, black scarf round my head

My old shopping-trolley heels close to the wind

Limping the gutter on my wooden limb

Smelling of whisky, rum, beer and gin

I hunt for treasures

Wherever treasures may be found

Don't look for diamonds

There's a greater prize just lying around

Approaching the waste bin, my hook held up high

I'll board this vessel if I live or die

To get all those bottles treasured within

The waste dump sounds with my battle-cry:

Deposit Pirates at bay!

Deliver your empties and pray!

Fight for your flasks, fight for your cans -

Deposit Pirates at bay!

Fight for your flasks, fight for your cans -

Deliver your empties and pray!

Kissing my brides at the Kiosks around

I lift my eye-patch, twinkling steal their refunds

My jolly roger's crossed bottles and jar

Winds toss my black wig - I must go on

I hunt for treasures

Wherever treasures may be found

Don't look for diamonds

There's a greater prize just lying around

Deposit Pirates at bay!

Deliver your empties and pray!

Fight for your flasks, fight for your cans -

Deposit Pirates at bay!

Fight for your flasks, fight for your cans -

deliver your empties and pray!

The conquest is over, the sun's hanging low

I sail with the tide: now I've got to go

My chauffeur picks me up in my limousine

I'm master, commander, fund-saver and mean

Deposit Pirates at bay!

Deliver your empties and pray!

Fight for your flasks, fight for your cans -

Deposit Pirates at bay!

Fight for your flasks, fight for your cans -

deliver your empties and pray!