TV Hero

Monday morning horror, breakfast on my shirt

Everything is wrong today

Traffic driver me crazy, my blood is running hot

Time is always slipping away

Bum! Jerk! Piece of dirt!

The bosses welcome knock me down

Kiss my ass! I'll get you someday

Revenge is sweet and I will make you pay

Just you wait and see, there's an animal in me

You can't run or hide from the demon deep inside

Friday night avenger, slamming of the door

Set the record straight and pay it mean

Kick around my woman, show her who is boss

I'm the master of the video - machine

Rocky, Rambo, Zombies, Cannibals or Snuff

What's it gonna be tonight?

Cambodial I can't enough

Of watching yellow bastards die

Pushing of the button, let the deadly game begin

Can he tell the real world from the nightmare he is in?

People cashing in on pushing terror up your brain

You will go insane!

TV HERO - mutilation

TV HERO - on the screen

Rape the women, slay the children

Violence like you've never seen

TV HERO - gory vision

TV HERO - in my head

Zombie slaughter all night long

A thrill you won't forget

Stumble over corpses, wade in seas of blood

Slaughter to the rhythm of a million guns

Random execution, my face in full of crud

From the guts of Charlie dying in the mud

Just you wait and see, there's an animal in me

You can't run or hide from the demon deep inside

Ecstasy from viewing murder on TV

Orgy of insanity and pain

Killer in the armchair, satisfying lust

Watching victims of a deadly game

More! Death Heat me up

My pint is hard from seeing blood

The climax! I'm shooting my gun

Brutality is sex for men

Another war is over, this battle you have won

Rewind and put it back upon the shelf

Your dreary life's returning, but now you've had your fun

So you will take another day of Hell

They're selling you aggression, to simplify oppression

Numbing your emotions and your mind