Underground Atmosphere Hostile

Long time ago

We found this place

Thousands of years

We crossed the interstellar space

World after world

Sowing the seeds

Another planet

For a new genetic breed

This atmosphere is hostile

That's why we have to meet


You're like a death-bringing storm

Come, see your ancestors


We gave them mind

Taught our love

And then retired deep down

To the planet's core

Over the time

Their cultures grew

But they developed violence,

And that was new

This atmosphere is hostile

That's why we have to meet


You're like a death-bringing storm

Come, see your ancestors


Religion is the root of sin

Killing the weak

They let the genocide begin

They know no bounds

They learned to lie

The human race has failed

And now they're gonna die

This atmosphere is hostile

That's why we have to meet


You're like a death-bringing storm

Come, see your ancestors


You had the earth for a while

Destroyed it all, mile for mile

And so you're gonna die

Our wrath will cover the sun

Because we have to move on

Your corpses will remain
