

Just a counter-clockwise in motion


It requires strength, love, and devotion


A dictation of every person


Is used to make us free again

When we can turn back time, to any time

By moving on inside

And will we still ask why about the time

Or be just fine inside of our minds?


Grows things older, faster when you find it


It's wasting away while we spend it


A reflection of our past with it


Is used to make things right again

When we can turn back time, to any time

By moving on inside

And will we still ask why about the time

Or be just fine inside of our minds?

I can see this coming over my mind

Cause you're right

It's life, my light

When we can turn back time, to any time

By moving on inside

And will we still ask why about the time

Or be just fine inside

When we can turn back time, to any time

By moving on inside

And will we still ask why about the time

Or be just fine inside of our minds?

Our minds

Because you're right

Inside our minds
