Cotton Soldier

Whut up havermale how you doin, I got the flu but I'm still movin, spokane that would be my town this is where the JUGGALOS are born and crownd, we give em the mike they start rippin "dead body flashes I'm still limpen give me the mike and ill be pimpen" that's the lines everyones sayin rage 12 gage this is my religion juggalism, prism sit on my lap I'm santa claws and I am back one mo claw in yo ma fuckin' rack chitty chat stop talkin like you BLACK, fact; if you fuck wit me personaly get yo dome split my name is set and I personaly don't like you trick, tick tock there goes the clock its 12 at dot, where my pot my weed at that ratatat tat get me back get at me dog, I hop in my hog I got a 12 gage pump in the trunk along wit some egg nog, I'm looken for this nigga I know he snatch my weed, once I find him I know he'll beg and pleed, he don't really want to see me

Cotton soldier, I told ya

Who is it, the cotton soldier

So I'm headin down fellony flats I'm on gardner, everyone in the world I lost my partner, this is where I'm from though I don't have to be scared to screem out JUGGALO! but, I'm steel lookin for that fool who jacked me for my weed, I have to be cruel cause I lost all my weed, I gtta take this punk down curb stomp next this is my town, enable to have sex ill chop off his shit, then he sais wut next, huh damn, this fool must be rex, invincible, in every type of way, convinsible I pesonaly think he's gay, its all over now I got my weed back time to get blazed and get back home

WOOP WOOP, wut up havermale its 2006 and I'm blazed as fuck and any body who reads this ad on to the song, if you can so I can check up on my shit and see if anybody got this message

Peace out