Cult Leader

Now with your loyal fan base and to the extent

That there dedicated to your music and your message

It has some people calling you a cult leader,

How do you feel about that?

Cult Leader eh ha ha ha

Yea there comparing you, to you know like Jim Jones or Davey Koresh

You know that's real fucked up

To um compare me to Jim Jones or uh Davey Koresh.

You know what I mean

Because those where not people that where for the greater good

You know what I'm sayin',

There tryin' to say, that I'm gonna feed my fans electric kool aid

They got me fucked up

In this house there is no room for envy,

This is why we wear our uniform!

Racist not welcome! Rapist not welcome!

Hatred, dreaded in this house!

Ready to fight hatred with love? Join us!

If you come with me then I can show you

Where we'll take you where you dare not go to

Follow me and let my mind control you

Where rebuild this world that will destroy you

How many wanna go? How many wanna know?

How to fight demons when the planets gonna blow

A lot of ammunition gotta be packin' a lot of doe

Being together it is wonderful the gun was loaded one exploded

Speaking to me with the tongue he just folded

From the Tech soldier some you get blessed over

Bums they straight come from under ?

I told you, That I would die for my loved ones

Kill for my blood ones beside a cousin

Together when the evil does come

I question are you willing to plug one

Protection is one thing you need

To battle any animal coming with greed

If evil try to penetrate us and feed

Simple mathematics demon you bleed

I know this comes off violent but this fights for love

It should not be this way but evil drew first blood

Put the roman numeral nine on your inside right wrist

So I can read it properly like this

That's how we know we're together within a crisis

And you don't need a lot of your money to buy this

Stay with me in the darkness when the light hits

I will promise your family low prices

A better war for your boys and girls might get a little

Dark and dirty before we get to the brightness

If you come with me then I can show you

Where we'll take you where you dare not go to

Follow me and let my mind control you

Where rebuild this world that will destroy you

The red is for the blood we all shed fighting

The black is for the nights we fight with no lighting

The white is for the clouds from witch we came flying

Landing in this jam with man and then began dying

We slegna see dread through these retna's

We beg to be swept up by the blessed head inspecta

But all these hecklers don't respect the way we lecture ya

Get next to ya, that's when the Tech get flexed ? with us

If I happen to die at the end of my run

Please give all my note books and guns to my sun

When the smoke clears I hope there's somes folks nears

To vote me as the pope here, Not quote fear is not a condition the no tears

The new color is black clothes black boots and strings

I'm gonna show these non believes what mass lab producing means

If you come with me then I can show you

Where we'll take you where you dare not go to

Follow me and let my mind control you

Where rebuild this world that will destroy you

That's right,

There are people right outside these doors

That would actually attempt to be our oppositions simply,

Because of the love we have for each other, the love.

Ain't that something?

We still have our daily jobs we still pay our taxes, right.

Some of you all ain't payed your taxes but we workin' on it right.

So what do you think the problem is?

That we all dress alike?

That's petty that couldn't be it.

That we helped those in any kind of trouble,

That's supposed to be a good Samaritan, Right?

They evil that's why we have friction,

And what do we do to evil?

O.W.H.H. (O.W.H.H.)

Off with his head

(Off with his head)

Off with his head

(Off with his head)

Off with his head.

(Off with his head)

That's what I think