Get Blowed

The definition of blowed

Is indo by the load

Chronic munchies got me on the comode

When I unload lets role

Cloudy outie

Like I'm Maui

Wowwy Zowwy

Sparkers on me homie

This weed is like nocatomi on me

If you want it you can have it be that

Hundred sacks and nut sacks

Plus phat splats from flesh gats

Only hay waistin

We both high

This is game so let me tap into your horny PlayStation

I'm Techa so I wrecka of course

Happy like I won the super trivecta divorce

Fuck whenever cause I'm HELLA HELLA


Chronic hella sonic

It's like I take a hit of hydro ponic ironic

Not Atlantis but I'm here to remind you

That I'm on canibus ALCOVE

Without a turn of ALTO GROUCHO

Unless I get some biancas to let me give 'em something

To open they MOUTH FOR

BOUNCE YO, fat ass to the rhymes I flow

My beats pound for blocks

From Grand View to Granot

Lets get wicked like mixin liquor like dark rum and gin

Faded fuckin on the only pile of twiny twin twin

Lets get drunk, get blowed

Spit shit, spark blunts and fuck hoes

Y'all lets get drunk get blowed

Nigga role to spot wit plots to fuck hoes