Kansas City Shuffle

Man wake up man, wake up

Damn man (fuck) where we at man?

Shit I don't know. 39th and prospects what the sign


I think we in Kansas City, Missouri man.

Damn man, we a long way from Massachusetts

You telling me man I've been driving tha whole goddamn


Thanks boy, I appreciate it- ooh damn!!


Look at dat! O boy look at dat!

Yea this Kansas City

Yea damn pull ova, pull ova, pull ova

I gotcha, I gotcha

(Honk Honk, window rolls down)

Shit whats up mama how you doin?

How ya'll doin'?

Shit where you headin to baby?

Shoot I'm just right up the street

Right up the street shit can we give you a ride?

Yea yea that's whatsup

Aight shit get on in but hey you gotta go around get in

on this side

(Good lookin, good lookin)

Alrite alrite

Look at this look at this look at this!

Look at that ass shit!

Aight baby hold up lemme get da door open real quick,

hold up

Hey baby, you gotta tell us where we going to cuz you

know we're not from around here

Aight I can do dat

I'll get lost, where do I gotta go baby?

Just go right up here, make a left

So you live around here?

Hell yea, it's right up here see dat? It's right there

Aight aight aight shit, hey baby so shit what goes on

'round here at Kansas City,

You know we're not from here

That true, Kansas City cool you just gotta be aware of

dat Kansas City shuffle

(At the same time) Tha Kansas City shuffle?!?

Yea the Kansas City shuffle

What's that?

What the fuck is that?

Yea it's like this!

O shit!