Meant To Happen

Cause it was all meant to happen

It was all meant to happen

No wonder why you kept walkin' my way

Cause it was all meant to happen

It was all meant to happen

No wonder why you kept walkin'

My mom was 18, waitin' for her prom date

Which was my father, yes, this night's gonna be beyond great

Two years prior they both created Aaron Yates

So the bond straight with two fine mates, so mom waits

And waits, in the upstairs window watchin'

For my pops and it was shockin' that he never ever came knockin'

Just left her, in her prom dress and that's the eve

Where all the stress hit aggressively, she had her first epileptic seizure

And kept havin' them, doctor, help the sick lady

Medicine with the quickness, just maybe it'll stop

'Member this, in '80 I was, nine

Asleep and I heard somethin' collapse

Hopped up with nothin' but tighty whitie

Saw my mom just fell and slapped the floor

She shakin', I'm scared, I ran out the house in my underwear

"Help my mama" is all that's comin' out my mouth

A neighbor came to help so mama wouldn't die

As a little kid watchin' the ambulance take her way I'm thinkin', why?