Red Necro

We're on the highway rolling to Californ-I-A

Seven of us heaven love us cuz it's evil in front of us

We must trust that G-O-D got our backs on this T-R-I-P

In the van we watchin' flicks and getting our kicks on route 66

Forty West got us dozin' my eyes closin' almost on ?E? and so we stop

To get some gas somewhere outside of Arizona people's persona seem like they put niggas in a coma or bullets in their ass fast

I went in to get some petroleum rodeo circus these trashy motha fuckers trying to show me they tat's on purpose swastika's here swastika's there minding my affairs till one shoved me and I said aw this is lovely

I punched him back and said take that from a black his posse ran up

I threw my hand up said let loose the gats they said were the type of boys that kill coons by the hour nigger one god one race seig heil white power

I said fuck you Bill Recio your spacey ho I heard racist were dying and I'm about to increase the ratio while we were scrappin' I heard coon monkey ape baboon I heard my partner's lettin' loose they cleared the room

I let off a couple inside their racist encephals I asked God was I wrong for slaying demons and devils and if so forgive me but now it's 2 wounded and 3 dead from shots to the head them racist mother fuckers bled

Red necks are the ones who bled next

First they used to hang us

Now they get them heads checked

For bullets and abrasions that evil persuasion

This is one of the many, many flaws of this nation