Serial Killas

What is it about a serial killa that attracts you?

And makes this music that you can sharpen an axe to

Taking you back through a hallway to a black room

No walls or ceilings, just doorways to pass through

You choose: chainsaws are always nice

But razorblades and knives are way more precise

When it comes to cutting, this shit here is an art

And we finish what we start, that's what separates us apart

From other mother fuckers, not saying no names

But them other mother fuckers (They ain't family!)

And they say I'm sick, too sick.

Well how sick do you get

When you see a chest without a butcher knife buried in it

Wait a minute, gimme an axe

I wanna smash your ribcage in half

For every time you laughed on our behalf

Will you let me another chance to redefine

The mind of a serial killa

Serial killa

K I double L A!

Fruit looped outta my mind like Godzilla

*scream* (Kill)

Serial killa! (Killa, Killa)

Torture and destroy (Killa, Killa)

Serial killa! (Killa, Killa)