Lyrics Teenage Bottlerocket

Teenage Bottlerocket

Bigger Than Kiss

Detroit couldn't rock itself out of a paper bag

Gene Simmons looks kinda cool

But Paul Stanley kinda looks like a jag

Ace Frehley can play guitar

But he ain't no fucking Kerry King

So get your ass out of the way

Here comes a rock revolution

Listen up cause I'm about to sing

The creatures of the night

Can't hold a candle to this

We'll be kickin' ass we'll be takin' names

When we're bigger than Kiss

I never thought cocaine

Could be as good as this

We'll live our lives in alcoholic bliss

When we're bigger than Kiss


Me and Charlie we have it loud

Yeah you know we rock and roll all night

Paul Stanley fell down on stage and broke a hip

Let's hope he's not alright

The ladies don't like old men

Now my love gun is the one in demand

And we're gonna go down in history

As the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band

The creatures of the night

Can't hold a candle to this

We'll be kickin' ass we'll be takin' names

When we're bigger than Kiss

Calling Dr. Love hey geta load of this

Ray beat the piss out of Peter Criss

Now we're bigger than Kiss