Lyrics Teenage Bottlerocket

Teenage Bottlerocket

Call In Sick

I didn't feel like going to work today

I called in sick but I feel OK

I'm getting used to the same old thing

Ever since my TV brainwashed me

Tuned me into a stupid jerk

Go to work

Let's go!

I didn't feel like waking up today

I force myself to get up and go

I know my girlfriend's messing around

And I really don't care who she's going down on

As long as I don't have to call her up

Tried to listen to the radio

But I just can't seem to understand it

Man I figured out that one long ago

I'm getting used to the same old thing

But it doesn't mean that I have to stand it

Is there anywhere else that I can go?

Where I want to go

I never thought I would bitch about everything

I never thought I would feel this low

Figure it out because I know you really don't care

Figure it out while I sit here with a blank stare

Tried to listen to the radio

But I just can't seem to understand it

Man I figure out that one long ago

I'm getting used to the same old thing

But it doesn't mean that I have to stand it

Is there anywhere else!