Lyrics Teenage Bottlerocket

Teenage Bottlerocket


You say it's not my flying it's my attitude

Goose and I will buzz the tower if we're in the mood

y old man gave me a bad rap

So charlie's giving me a hard time

Cougar lost his edge, he was holding on too tight

If we screw up just a little bit

We'll be flying cargo planes

Full of rubber dog shit out of Honk Kong

Man, it's classified

I'd tell you but you'd have to die

If we don't pull together soon

We'll get our names on the plaque in the ladies room

Slider stinks and Jester's dead

I got an Otis Redding song stuck in my head

In her bedroom today

So I left her a paper airplane

She said this could be complicated

I'm the only guy in Top Gun she ever dated


Highway to the danger zone takes my breath away

She lost that loving feeling man it flew away