Lyrics Teenage Fanclub

Teenage Fanclub

Connected To Life

Born into light, born into her mystery

The passage of time pulling you closer to me

Once in a while I can see you

Looking so young in your eyes

My darling I just want to see you

Connected to life

Shaken from sleep, lost in tempestuous night

Alone in the end, further and fading from light

Once in a while I do see you

Living so bold and so bright

My darling I just want to see you

Connected to life

Once in a while I do see you

Living so bold and so bright

My darling I just want to see you

Connected to life

I will not deceive you

I only want to please you

I hope I'll never see you

Disappear into shadows, into night

Disappear into shadows, into night

Disappear into shadows, into night