
Flight, endless flight,

Through Time, like the deserts of sand,

Oceans of dream,

Heading out to the open Sea

With a legacy

Fight, endless fight,

To die with a sword in our hands,

Hard and extreme, is the way that it's alway been...

So serene, now..

Time and tide, the wheel of change,

No one can ever escape

The switchblade knife, the steel of Fate,

Forged as your life wealds the blade

Of Destiny...


Night, tender night,

The future is born of the past,

Long Winters, cold,

Then awaken the dawn of Spring

And the life she brings,

Light, slender lights

Of Summer in bloom here at last,

Soft breezes blow till a halcyon Autumn dream

Stets the scene, now...

Time and tide, the wheel of change,

No one can ever escape

The switchblade knife, the steel of Fate,

Forged as your life wealds the blade

Of Destiny...
