Lyrics The Ambassador

The Ambassador

It Was Love


It was love-What made Him bleed and cling to a tree

It was love-Unlike this world has ever seen before

It was love-What made Him bleed and cling to a tree

And get nailed to the form of a lower case "t"

To all my listeners; you're on my "got to get with ya list"

Scripture gives the run down, come now you've got to picture this

The evolutionist would call this ridiculous

Story of a love, a true love that got promiscuous

The true lover was a King they called Elohim,

Digt it, He was exquisite, always existed

For designer clothes He sported shekinah robes

The kind that glows, baggy, you know the kind that flows

He was awesome majestic, flawless, perfect with

All this you might ask what could be next

His outcry zoomed throughout the counsel of the Triune

Crank the volume, when God speaks it's a fly tune

"Let Us make man in Our likeness and Our image"

He sparked it, even before He started He was finished

And since it's a fact that every kid needs a nursery

Before He made man He made a universe-a world to be

A playpen you know a place to chill, one to play in

Fields to lay in, earth to rule, one to stay in

He took dust in His hands made a man

Breathed life into his frame, said, "Adam is your name"

It was all fun and games, no pain and no strain,

He named all the animals, they were pre-tamed

Man and his God chillin' like jellow with

Nothing to undermine the divine fellowship

[Repeat Chorus]

Curtain please, scene two, we see the surgery

Adam de-ribbed, now Eve lives, we see with certainty

God wanted the earth to be full so earth can see

God and glory go together like thermometers and mercury

Intertwined, Elohim was man's date

But it's a thin line between love and hate

And just like a person will be weary 'til rested

I guess love will always be theory 'til tested,

So check it, God put this tree off limits

He can do that, the earth is the Lord's and all that's in it

He meant it, He told Adam the truth about the one tree

He said if you eat the fruit then you're saying you don't want me

In other words you're saying, "Bye", I wouldn't lie

'Cause the day you eat from this tree you're surely gonna die

Why in God's name couldn't Adam maintain

No blame, if it was us we would have probably done the same thing

Satan tricked Eve, Eve gave to Adam,

Sin had them, death grabbed them, and on went the pattern

The earth got cursed on the day they dissed Jehovah

He said, "I told ya, now our relationship is over!"

[Repeat Chorus]

It really gets to me, it really is a mystery

Why with foresight God even let us ruin history

But the love story gets deper

Holiness makes Him hide from sin but His love for men made Him a seeker

My heart is getting weaker, it's burnin' me bad

I earnestly ask why in eternity past

Did the Godhead agree that they would let man leave

Knowing the penalty-that they'd have to let man bleed?

But this is just a case of the lowliest

Questioning the infinite wisdom and the justice of the holiest

God's omnipotent and sovereign-"Yes I know He is"

And he's gracious and merciful-"The Bible told me this"

Took a human frame, Jesus was His human name

Doomed to hang on a cross casue we're His lost love

Resurrected just to get with you, if you get your cue

From Scriputre you can see he clearly pre-planned the switch-a-roo

He'd always planned to become a man, die as a substitute lamb,

Start a new fam of humans who can

Take the Son's hand in reply to

His proposal, "Will you marry Me?"-we say, "I do!"

[Ending Chorus]

Love-made Him bleed and cling to a tree

It was love-unlike this world has ever seen before

It was love-that made Him bleed and cling to a tree

Nailed just for you and nailed just for me