Lyrics The Avett Brothers

The Avett Brothers


Gimme a dance, gimme a chance, gimme your hands

Give me just a little bit of your sweet romance

Give me your hands

I know what they say about me

Hell, I started most of them rumors myself you see

So give 'em to me

It wont take long for me to tell you who I am

You hear my voice right now well that's pretty much what I am

So gimme a smile, gimme a while, gimme a mile

Give me just a little bit of your sweet devine

Just give me a smile

I know what you said about me

I think maybe if I had a preachin' judge then I'd forgive you see

So give 'em to me

It wont take long for me to tell you what I am

You hear my voice right now well that's pretty much what I am

I'm bailin on my life

Cause I'm wailing on my life

So please just gimme a kiss

Well I know you're waiting for a ring

Ease up little lady, see, I'm not promising anything

So gimme a chance, gimme a dance, gimme your hands

Give me just a little bit of your sweet romance

Just give me your hands

I know what they say about me

Hell, I started most of them rumors myself you see

So give 'em to me

It wont take long for me to tell you who I am

Well you hear this voice right now well that's pretty much all I am

I'm bailin on my life

Cause I'm wailing on my life

So please just gimme a kiss