Lyrics The Black Dahlia Murder

The Black Dahlia Murder


Ripping from me is this haunting admission, so daunting

A complete jealousy of the recently dead

The deepest of all admirations, so foul

Of who'd choose to aim bullets for the hinds of their heads

Have you ever tasted it?

Metallic barrel placed in it?

Do you possess the gall to pain all those in life you've touched?

Failure, I renounce our tenure

This venture has drained me

I ask thee grant self murder's bliss

My conscience has begged me to end this horrendousness

Wrap rope so tightly 'round my neck and twist

Suicide be my guide

The only thing I will get right in this life

My appeal shall not be denied

My place - now secured

My home - the other side

I never belonged here

I never did ask if I could join this world collapsed

A hell hath awakened and now I choose sleep

So let this razor get the better of me

Suicide be my light

The only wrong I stand to right in this life

To the ear of the Reaper confide

His blade offers mercy

May it tear me wide

I never belonged here

I never did ask if I could join this world collapsed

My hell hath awakened and now I choose sleep

So let this gesture do the talking for me

Dear Mother and Father, now look what you've made

More eager fodder for the depth of a grave

For the sweet gift of life you've both bestowed upon me

You'll wish that you'd felt inclined to keep the f*cking receipt